Through the door. A travers la porte. |
A little town on the way. Un petit village sur la route. |
Road kill, we haven't seen one snake alive yet, but at least 4 squashed ones... Pauvre serpent ecrase. Nous n'en avons pas encore vu de vivants, mais au moins 4 morts... |
Sticky sunscreen rocks... not! Vive la creme solaire... |
Scorpion joining us for dinner, sorry mate, you were not invited! Un scorpion nous a rejoin pour dinner... desole mon bon ami, tu n'es pas invite! |
Sun rising over the Hay Plaine / view from de tent. Lever de soleil sur la Hay Paine / vue de la tente. |
A little bit of off-road on the Hay Plain, rsult: 4 flat tyres (all Jacques'!) Un peu de VTT sur la Hay Plaine, resultat: 4 pneus creves (tous sur le velo de Jacques!) |
Happy turttle when the storm comes. pleut il mouille, c'est la fete a la... tortue! |
When there is not much at ground level, nature puts on a show above our heads. S'il n'y a pas grand chose au niveau du sol, il y a souvent un beau spectacle juste au dessus... |
Centerpide: can give nasty bites but not dangerous Cent-pied: morsure douloureuse mais pas dangereuse |
Cool bridge. Un pont sympa. |
There was a frog in the bathroom. Il y avait meme une grenouille dans la salle de bain. |
A local let us stay at his farm for 2 days in Maude, very nice guy and funny polar bear - like dog. Un fermier nous a heberge pendant 2 jours a Maude, tres sympa de sa part. |
Lots of bird life all over the country, herons and a lot more. Beaucoup de sortes d'oiseaux en Australie, notamment des herons. |
We are in the pub, and the dog wants to join the party! Nous sommes dans un pub, et le chien semble vouloir entrer aussi! |
One of the locals we met at the pub the previous night attempted to take a shortcut to get home... a little too many drinks! |
Well, I think we better go back, no!? Bon la on va faire demi-tour je crois!? |
that spider was sleeping in Jacques' bell! Cette arraignee dormait tranquillement dans la sonnette de Jacques! |
Great photos folks! Keep peddling!!! Glad you are enjoying the trip. Sydney weather is terrible, except for yesterday and almost no wind for kiting -- so you aren't missing anything here!